How to Save Money on Carpet

In retrospect, I think we spent far too much on carpet for our family room. In our defense, this was the first time that we ever actually purchased carpet. We did do some research and got a few discounts, but we probably could have done more. Here are some of the things I’ve learned since then. Hopefully, you can use these tips to save money on your own carpet. Know when to buy It pays to know what time of the year is best for buying your carpet. The time period of December to January is probably the time that … Continue reading

So Many Ways to Get Free Stuff

Did you know that despite the economy, there are so many ways to get free stuff? It is unbelievable how many different opportunities there are to supply your home and your family with items that you need for free. Here are my favorite ways to get stuff absolutely for free. And don’t forget, when it comes to getting things for free, be sure to return the favor or pass it forward. People you know Your friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers can be a great source of free items. Chances are pretty good that the people you already know have exactly … Continue reading

A Guest in My Own Home

Does your home act differently when you have company over? Here is how to get it to act nice for its owners. Yesterday, I was doing some regular cleaning in the dining room. I dusted the dining room table and chairs, among other things, and replaced the tablecloth with a fresh, clean one. When I was done, I thought the table could use a little extra touch, so I took a few candles off of a nearby shelf and arranged them artfully in the middle of the table. I stepped back, arranged a bit more, and then I was satisfied … Continue reading

Tackling Mount Washmore: Easy Laundry Solutions

It is amazing how quickly laundry piles up isn’t it? Just like Hercules, you no sooner get to the end when it build right back up again. If you dread the task of doing laundry, try the following easy solutions to make your life a little bit easier. Get into a morning routine. Throw one load of laundry into your washer each morning as part of your routine. Then, hang or put the laundry in the dryer when it is done or at the end of the day. Fold and put them away the same day. If you do one … Continue reading

Fall Home Preparation

Once you get through with all of the back to school work, it is time to start thinking about how you can prepare your home in the fall to make it more efficient and a lot more green. Typically, in most areas, when winter comes, we use more energy to keep our home comfortable. Let us reduce that dependance with some savvy, but easy, home preparation. One of the best things that you can do for your home in the fall is to eliminate as many drafts as possible. Of course, there are the walls, especially those of the foundation … Continue reading

Three Ways Your Garage Can Save You Money

That little oft-neglected space in your home, the garage, can save you money if you let it work for you. Here are just three of the ways that your garage can save, or even make you money. House Your Car Use your garage to actually house your car. This is such a foreign concept to most of us. We usually use our garages for storage and not for out actual cars. This is pretty backwards thinking. By using our garages to shelter too much stuff, we are not protecting our cars, which are generally bigger investments. We learned this the … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Towels and Washcloths

Are your old towels getting a little scratchy but you don’t want to spend a fortune on new towels? Try the following tips to help you save. Check the beach towel sales Right now, many stores have beach towels for sale. While they are obviously thinner and larger than standard bath towels, there is no reason why they can’t be used in place of bath towels if you find a great bargain. Beach towels are particularly good for kids coming out of the bath. If you want a thicker towel, simply fold a beach towel in half and sew the … Continue reading

Save Money on Landscaping

The nice weather may have you looking at your yard with a critical eye. Do you need to make some improvements to your landscape? How can you do this inexpensively? Here are some ideas. Free materials All sorts of free materials can be had if you look around an ask. You can find plants, trees and bulbs through freecycle or through your neighbors. You can even ask your town if you can harvest some volunteer plants and flowers from town woods or fields. Also, check with garden centers at the end of the season. If you have a green thumb, … Continue reading

Add a Little Nature to Brighten Your Home and Your Mood

When your home is dark and gloomy then chances are that your mood is the same way. Our homes are reflections of ourselves, and then often can determine just how we feel. That is why it is so important to add things to our home that can brighten it up and add to a wonderful sense of comfort and joy. One of the things that can really brighten a home is a commitment to going back to nature. This can be done simply. Treat yourself to some beautiful brightly colored flowers. There has been some research showing that flowers can … Continue reading

How to Help Your Kids Clean Their Room

Tell me, what does it look like right now in your child’s bedroom or playroom? Are there toys, books and games strewn about everywhere? How can you get your kids to be more organized and keep their rooms clean? Here are some tips that you can try. Make it easy The easier you make having an organized room, the more likely it is that your kids will maintain it on their own. After all, if a project is overwhelming wouldn’t you want to avoid it at all costs? Some things that can make it easier for kids to clean their … Continue reading