The Big Snip

Vasectomy, the very word strikes fear into the heart of some men. ‘No way!’ many men say, ‘anyone’s giving me the snip.’ They seem to equate such an operation with a loss of manhood. It’s okay for women to take the pill, or use other forms of contraception or even have their tubes tied if the couple has reached the decision that no more children is the best option, but no way anyone is getting near them for any operation. On the other hand I heard a male minister say one time if it was the best and safest option … Continue reading

“When Are You Going to Have Kids?” – Part II

Yesterday I wrote about a common question Wayne and I get: When are you going to have kids? Well, most of my answers quench people’s curiosity and the matter’s dropped. Others, however, like close friends and relatives, lure me into giving more in depth responses. Like when they question, “But haven’t you wanted to be pregnant? To experience it?” Nope A major part of me abstaining from motherhood is because if I did get pregnant we’d be facing a mighty big meltdown. I don’t do needles. I don’t know words strong enough to sum up my terror of doctors and … Continue reading

“When Are You Going to Have Kids?”

Because Wayne and I have been together so long, we often get the question: When are you going to have kids? (Or some derivative thereof.) The Answer Probably never. The Inevitable Follow Up Questions “Can you have kids?” “Do you like children?” (for those who haven’t seen us with kids), or “I can’t believe you don’t have any kids. You’re so good with them. Are you sure you’re not ready to be a mom?” (for those who have seen us with kids). “What are you waiting for? You’re not getting any younger.” The Inevitable Follow Up Answers No, we’re not … Continue reading

When One of You Wants Another Baby

At some point after the first baby is born, you will begin to think about having another baby. This varies from person to person. Some begin to feel that baby lust before the first one even starts walking. Others take several years to get to that point again. Sooner or later, most of us begin to think about having another baby. If you have decided it’s time for another baby and your spouse feels the same way, you can start trying. Life doesn’t always go so smoothly. Often one person is ready for another baby and the other is not. … Continue reading

Hurricanes: Planning for Your Family’s Safety

The first step in preparing for a hurricane is to have a plan for your family. You need to decide what you are going to do in the event of a hurricane. In some areas and instances you may decide to ride it out. In other cases you may decide that you want to evacuate. If there is a mandatory evacuation, please do so. The lives of your family members are so much more important than any possessions that you may lose as a result of a hurricane. If you are in area where it is safe to stay during … Continue reading