Family Relationships and Money

Money is a topic that many people feel is very private. They often do not discuss it with family. It can be difficult if you have different views about money than your family members. It can also be difficult to meet certain expectations that are placed on you by family members because of how they perceive you are handling your money. If you have extended family that like to spend money, and may often spend more money than they have, you may eventually run into some difficulties. It is not uncommon for people who have managed their money well to … Continue reading

Positive Family Communication

The next external asset that children need in order to grow up healthy is Positive Family Communication. This can take many different forms and for some people may be more difficult to achieve than it sounds like. For people who have a family history of verbal abuse, or negative family communication it can be a difficult habit to break. When speaking with children of all ages-make eye contact, don’t interrupt, and really listen to what they are saying. Communication can occur without words. Use appropriate hugs and touches to convey your love for your child. My boys love to wrestle, … Continue reading

Balancing Family Time

When you’re raising a child with special needs, it’s easy for things to get off-balance. The child and his medical and special education issues can overwhelm your time and attention. Often families are torn apart because of these inequities. Spouses can feel forgotten, and siblings feel neglected and jealous. If the focus on your special needs child is so all-consuming that your family fades in the background, you’re doing your child a disservice. His or her greatest chance for happiness and success depends in many ways upon the strength and stability of the family environment at home. Here are some … Continue reading

Dealing with a Difficult Mother

As we discussed before, the mother is highly respected in Islam. We should treat our mothers with love, affection, and kindness. The ideal mother makes this easy. The ideal mother, whether Muslim or not, has her children’s best interests at heart. This mother loves her children, protects them, nurtures them, and would sacrifice anything for their health and happiness. Yes, it is easy to adore this mother. [h]The Abusive Mother[/h] What if this precious mother was not in your destiny? What if your mother was mean, abusive, or negligent? According to Islam, we should still treat her with kindness. We … Continue reading

Pets and Family Relationships

Let me first say this: my father is not an especially affectionate man. I can probably count on one hand the number of times in my adult life he has — unprompted — told me that he loves me. Add one more to the list. I had ordered Frontline refills from the internet for once, because it seems like I never have time to swing by the vet’s to pick up refills. The price was on par with what I pay with the vet anyway, but it came to my door. While placing the order, I saw that they were … Continue reading