Valentine Family Tree Project

If you need a project to do with your kids this month, consider using the festive colors and hearts of the popular Valentine’s Day themes as inspiration for a fun and colorful family tree. Let’s look at how to create a Valentine’s family tree. Here are the supplies you’ll need: *White poster board *Red construction paper *Craft glue *Black marker *Red marker *Red glitter (Optional) *Photos (Optional) *Photo corners (Optional) Now that we have all of the supplies together, let’s look at the steps to create this fun family tree: *Write the title of your tree in large letters across … Continue reading

A Family Tree is a Work of Art

A lot of work goes into creating a family tree. It is something that you will cherish for years and pass on to your children and grandchildren. You have two options when creating your family tree. You can choose to use a “Descendant Tree” which displays a couple and the family that has been created from their union. Or you could use your great-grandparents and show their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The other option is to choose an “Ancestor Tree” which displays the couple, their children, and then shows the couple’s parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. There are several ways in … Continue reading

Old Letters and Your Family Tree

By now we have learned the importance of a family tree. We know that a family tree is more than a list of names. Now, I want to share some of the significance of keeping old letters in addition to other papers with your family tree. I have decided to make a box dedicated to all of my paperwork related to my family tree. It is an ongoing project that I work on whenever I have the chance. In this box I have added all of the old letters that I have inherited from family members. I think it is … Continue reading

A Family Tree is More Than a List of Names

A family tree can be a photo of a tree with names printed inside. I believe we’ve all seen those. I once tore one out of a magazine to fill out and keep in my book. The book I am referring to, however, is what I also call my “family tree.” I purchased the book to record information about my ancestors. I call it my “family tree,” but it is actually so much more. It contains names, dates and facts about family members, who lived before me. It also gives details about who my family members were, what they believed … Continue reading

The Importance of a Family Tree

Have you ever wondered why we bother to spend countless hours researching genealogy and filling in the gaps in our family tree? Have you wondered why there are so many books available on the subject? I did. I wondered why it was such a big deal. What difference did it make learning about relatives who died long before I was born? For as long as I can remember, my mother has talked about her family tree. It seemed like at least once a year she would show me the book that she has always kept of historical research on our … Continue reading

Identifying Relatives in an Old Photo

When researching your family tree, a good way to identify people and gain information is to start with the oldest family photo that you have. Take the photograph and number each person, then identify anyone in the photo that you already know. Next, take the photo and a notebook with you to your oldest living relative. Show that person the photo and write down the name and corresponding number of any person identified, as well as any other information given to you by your relative. My mother did this and found a lot of information this way. Sometimes the person … Continue reading

Family Tree Ideas

There are a variety of different ways to chart your genealogy. When you use a computer program it will store the information in a set way that allows you to easily follow and read it. However when you want to display your family history you have several different charts to choose from. The type of chart you choose will also depend on how much information you want to display. There is the traditional line chart. This is a much more practical chart. It is easy to create and to follow. It starts at one side and flows out across the … Continue reading

A Review of is a website that offers the service of tapping into other people’s family tress to complete your own genealogy work, This site is a subscription based site that offers several unique features for people interested in doing genealogy. One of these features is the shared family tree feature. Once you enter in your research as far back as you can go, it begins scanning names that are already entered in and when it finds a match it begins filling in the information automatically for you. This is a great feature, but you should always double check to make sure … Continue reading

Tapping Into Someone Else’s Family Tree

There will likely come a point where your family tree will join into someone else’s online. In fact many of the sites allow you the option to compare your information with other people’s in the hopes that you can save yourself some work. However it is important that you verify this information before you had it as your own. First there may be someone with the same name, birth year and birth place as your ancestor, when in fact it is a different person. This is not as uncommon as many people may first think. If this is the case, … Continue reading

Genealogy Gifts

One reason that many people do genealogy is to get a sense of where they came from and to understand the heritage that they have. It is important to pass that heritage on to the rest of your family as well. It would be a shame to do all of the work, and then have someone in a few generations do all of the work again because it was not passed on. One easy way to pass it on is to give it as gifts. One gift is a family tree wall hanging. These make beautiful and interesting pictures and … Continue reading