Expanding the Family Tree

What single parent or adoptive parent hasn’t dreaded that “family tree” project that most elementary and/or middle school children have to do. If you have been through a divorce or remarried, or have a family that is built on adoption—the “family tree” assignments can be challenging, frustrating, and make a child feel like he or she is on the outside of the norm. More and more families just don’t fit into the classic family tree mold. I know that in my own family, we have several divorces, several adoptions and partners who are not married. For children who may have … Continue reading

Online Genealogy

A few months ago, I talked about doing genealogy from home. I promised to write a blog about researching your family history online and now, at last, I am keeping that promise! As a stay-at-home mom, I have a strong testimony of eternal families and a huge difficulty with doing any research. I’m not wanting my kids to grow up too quickly – I know it will happen faster than I can realize – but one thing I am looking forward to when they are old enough to be without me for a few hours is the research I can … Continue reading

Courthouse Genealogy

The first time I remember feeling the Spirit was when I learned that families could be sealed together for all of eternity. It should not be surprising, then, that I have a deep love of genealogy and truly enjoy researching my family tree. As a young mom, however, I have restricted most of my efforts thus far to the internet. A recent courthouse trip – my first – taught me a few lessons. For years, I have found nothing but a solid brick wall in regards to my great-great-great grandparents. I did not even know their name, only that of … Continue reading

Ancestry.com Free Military Searches

Over 43 million Americans have served in the United States military since the Revolutionary War. Each one has a story. In our own family, we have four who are currently active duty. They’re part of a long tradition of service, from my dad who used his brains in the Air Force to my grandfather and his brother who wore the Marine uniform proudly. It goes back further than that, though I’m far from the family historian. Ancestry.com is going to help me with that! Through D-Day (June 6th), military searches are free. Ever wonder if those stories about your Uncle … Continue reading