Fitness Facts: Fructose and Fasting

The next time you are at the supermarket consider leaving the apple and orange juice on the shelf. New research says that fructose found in fruit juices and other processed foods makes you fat. New studies show that fructose dramatically enhances ipogenesis, the process by which the body converts sugar into fat. One particular study found that people who consumed a breakfast drink, which contained high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), produced double the body fat in the four-hour period that followed than those who consumed a glucose-only beverage. For those of you who have considered fasting to shed unwanted pounds (perhaps … Continue reading

Tips for Surviving Fast Sunday

Fast Sunday is coming up soon, the day that elicits more groans and complaints than any other day the rest of the month. Here are some tips that might help you make it through the day. 1. Choose a specific thing or person to fast for. If you focus on that person and their needs and what you hope will happen for them, or on the thing you need in your own life, you’re more likely to stay on task and be more committed to the fast you’ve undertaken. If you don’t have a specific purpose in your fast, you’re … Continue reading

Reasons to Fast

One of the most important parts of fasting is fasting with a purpose. This helps you to focus on the spiritual aspects of fasting. It can give you strength and guidance during difficult times. If you are fasting to help someone else, it can help you feel a greater lover for others. It is a great way to give service quietly. When you fast with a specific purpose in mind you should begin and end your fast in prayer. Additionally you should have an open heart throughout the day, so that you may hear any promptings you receive. If you … Continue reading

Short-Term Fasting Can Work

It has been touted in Brad Pilon’s new book, Eat Stop Eat. Its benefits have been discussed at length in the Forums and in other blogs. It has been condemned by modern medicine, nutritionists and dieticians. But hey, they’re the ones who told me to eat eleven servings of starch a day and lay off the meat. That got me to gain weight instead of losing it! Now there is new scientific evidence that supports the theory that short term fasting can indeed help you to lose weight, and not just muscle but real bodyfat! In Pilon’s book, Eat … Continue reading

Alternate-Day Fasting

Researchers at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology have reported that fasting or eating half as much as usual every other day may shrink your fat cells and boost mechanisms that break down fats. After studying the effects of alternate day fasting on mice for four weeks, they determined that alternate day fasting (eating whatever you like on one day and nothing with calories while increasing physical activity the next) helped the mice lose weight as well as subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin that causes things like cellulite in humans). They also found that mice who were … Continue reading

Fasting with a Purpose

Fasting each month is a way that each member can improve his spirituality. One thing that helps to make fasting more effective is to have a purpose while fasting. This helps you to focus your prayers and your thoughts while fasting. It can also help you listen to the Spirit for guidance. Here are four ideas on topics that you may consider making the focus of your fast. 1) You can fast to receive guidance and/or help for a problem that you are facing. This could be with your job, finances, a relationship or concern for a child. Many of … Continue reading

Five Tips on Fasting

Fasting is a wonderful blessing that we can choose to partake of. When I was younger I hated fasting. I would count the hours until I could eat again. I was always focused on what I was giving up instead of what I was gaining. As an adult I have had some wonderful experiences. My approach to fasting changed drastically, as I grew older. Here are five tips to make the most of your fasting. 1) You should have a purpose for you fast. This makes your fast more meaningful. Fasting can help you to find insight because your body … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures: Esther and the King

With this third installment in the Amelia series, “Liken the Scriptures” tells us the story of Esther, one of my all-time favorite stories from the Bible. Amelia wants to invite her butler to church, but can’t work up the courage to do it. Every time she walks up to talk to him, she chickens out. She turns to her mother, wondering what she can do to feel stronger. Her mother tells her the story of Esther, to show Amelia what the power of fasting can do. Esther, as told to us in the book by the same name, was a … Continue reading

After the Fast: Eating Clean

You’ll find a few crash diet blogs here in the Weight Loss section but by no means does that mean that crash diets are the only way to lose weight. Sure, you lose it fast, but we all know it comes back when our old eating habits do. If you’re going to use any of these fasting type programs like the Cabbage Soup Diet or the Maple Syrup Diet, please use the time you are on them (usually 3-10 days) to start focusing on how you should be living a healthy lifestyle afterwards. Hopefully this blog will give you a … Continue reading

Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet

Beyonce Knowles says not to do this but openly admits that she used it to lose 20 pounds in 10 days during the filming of Dreamgirls. While we appreciate comments below the blog, please click here to bring your questions to our forum dedicated specifically to the Master Cleanse and find out more about this fast. There you’ll find plenty of people who have successfully used it and even find a downloadable copy of the official Master Cleanse. Just click here now! The former Destiny’s Child singer who has a very successful solo singing career as well as an acting … Continue reading