Donuts with Dad

During the last week of my daughter’s school, her kindergarten teacher organized an event called “Donuts with Dad.” My wife had attended “Muffins with Mom” about two weeks earlier, so the pressure was on dad to come through. It was a busy week for me. I was starting a new time job, not to mention I still had to maintain all of the other appointments and activities for my family. Consequently, when I heard about this new activity with her kindergarten class I was not too excited about going at first – until I got there. When I arrived at … Continue reading

A Father’s Influence

A curious thing has happened to my son. He has always been polite and basically well mannered. He remembers to say, “Please” and “Thank you.” But since our return to New Orleans, he has become quite the little gentleman. For starters, each day when I pick him up from school, the first thing he asks me is, “How was your day, mama?” then he actually listens to what I have to say! After I finish, he proceeds to tell me about his day as a first-grader. We’ve always talked but now we’re communicating. I have always felt that Tyler didn’t … Continue reading

Getting Even with Dad (1994)

“Getting Even with Dad” stars Ted Danson and Macaulay Culkin (both sporting really bad hairdos) as a father and son who haven’t seen each other in years. Ray (Danson) was arrested for stealing VCRs and spent a few years in jail, and when he was released, his wife asked for a divorce. She died of cancer not too long after that, so Timmy (Culkin) has been living with his aunt ever since. Ray wants to go straight and has been working in a bakery ever since his release from jail – he took a class on cake decorating in prison. … Continue reading

An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000)

In “An Extremely Goofy Movie,” we see that Goofy’s son Max has graduated from high school and is now going off to college with his two friends, PJ and Bobby. He’s really excited to be getting out on his own, and, I’m sorry to say, despite everything he learned in “A Goofy Movie,” he’s still ashamed of his father and wants to be anywhere but with him. He takes off early one morning without looking at the nice breakfast Goofy prepared for him and without even saying a proper goodbye. Goofy’s heart is broken as he wanders through the house, … Continue reading

A Goofy Movie (1995)

In this rated G film, Goofy is a single father, doing his best to raise his teenage son, Max. Playing roles of both father and mother, Goofy cleans the house, makes the meals, does the laundry and makes the beds all before heading off to work for the day. He genuinely cares for Max and wants what’s best for him, but despite all of this, Max is deeply ashamed of his father. In fact, he literally has nightmares that he grows up to be just like Goofy. It’s the last day of school and Max wants to go out with … Continue reading