Purina’s Precautionary Pet Food Recall Affects Horses, Goats, Pigs

Right now I’m watching the evening news while working on my new laptop and saw that pet owners have another pet food recall to worry about. This time Purina is doing a precautionary recall because of concerns some of their food has been contaminated or exposed to aflatoxin. However, this time it’s not dogs and cats affected. It’s horses, pigs, and goats. No animals have fallen ill yet according to the newscast. The recall is a precautionary measure on Purina’s part. Unfortunately I wasn’t quick enough to note the particular Purina brands that were affected. But aflatoxin was the cause … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “Give ye them to eat”

Circumstances did not allow for posting these lessons the weeks they were completed. However, it is my hope that you will still be able to take something from them. Today’s posts address lesson 12, “I Am the Bread of Life.” As I studied the miracle of the loaves and fishes for this week’s Sunday school lesson, I was touched by one important factor: who distributed the meal. Although most lessons seem to focus on the miracle itself, or the relationship to the Savior as the bread of life, I confess that this small technical detail intrigued me. Turn with me … Continue reading