
Even though my daughter Lily no longer has her feeding tube, I would be remiss if I did not tell you all about one of the greatest products ever. It’s called Hypafix, and it’s an adhesive tape used to hold dressings in place. However we used it to hold Lily’s tube in. When we first learned that Lily would need a feeding tube, adhesive tape was the least of our worries. However, once we got her home, it slowly crept to the top of our list, because that tape is pretty much the only thing keeping you from another trip … Continue reading

Can’t wait until Monday!

I can’t believe it. The day has finally come. Ever since Lily was three days old, she has had a feeding tube. During one doctor’s visit, we were told not to be surprised if she needed it until she was two or three. He added that some kids have feeding tubes until they are five or six. “But they all grow out of them eventually,” he reassured us after noticing what I’m sure were looks of dismay on our faces. Over time, my wife and I grew to accept Lily’s feeding tube as a part of who she was… kind … Continue reading