Love – It’s a Double-Edged Sword

Sometimes I wonder how the world got along without a firm basis for loving relationships? Then I wonder how we ever made the leap to love and trust someone else with our heart and soul? After all, falling in love is a great deal like jumping off a cliff. No matter how prepared you are – sometimes you hit the sides on the way down and there’s always the chance that you’ll smash into the ground at a velocity you can’t control. Love Can Be Painful I’ve heard love described as agonizing and painful. I’ve felt that way. When you … Continue reading

Parents Have Emotions Too

We parents are definitely not robots or blocks of ice–we have issues, emotions, weaknesses, and all sorts of other human elements that make us fascinating, actual people. Trying to be a good parent, however, can make us feel like we need to bury our own emotions in order to focus on our child and do “all the right things.” In reality, however, we parents need to tend to our own emotional side and take care of our emotions so that we can be loving and available parents. The thing is, if we DON’T take care of our own emotional life, … Continue reading

Listening to Your Kids

“Mama, I wanna tell you something.” This seems to be Tyler’s mantra. I hear it from the time he gets home from school until he closes his eyes for bed. There’s always some fascinating “Did you know…?” story he wants to share with me. At times it can be hard to listen to him all the time, especially when I’m trying to work but I try to give him a few minutes of attention, listen to what he has to say, and then continue with what I was doing. “A mother who listens shows her children they matter”, says Michele … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Submitting Cheerfully & Patiently

My intent for today’s scripture study regarding Elder Bednar’s talk was to examine the topical guide for the phrase ‘patience’. However, as I considered what forms of patience I wanted to research, I realized that I already knew the perfect story of a group of people who suffered their afflictions in remarkable patience. Those people were the followers of Alma, who endured many trials for their faith. Let me give a quick review. Alma, as you may recall, was a priest of King Noah. Along with the other wicked priests, he listened to the testimony of the prophet Abinadi; unlike … Continue reading

Why Dealing With our Kids’ Feelings Can Be Difficult

As modern parents, we’ve learned to “talk the talk” and use all the right lingo to hopefully foster positive self-esteem with our children. We try not to tell them they are “being bad” and we’ve been trained to use encouraging language instead of demeaning or belittling comments. But, that doesn’t mean we’re not still people too–and for most of us, it can be really difficult to face some of the emotions are kids exhibit. Even the most human, typical feelings displayed by our children can be strong triggers for us and we may actually need to deal with our own … Continue reading

The Sense of Touch – The World is at Their Fingertips

You know, it’s hard to pick out what sense is my favorite sense. After all, I love to feel the silkiness of my dog’s fur and the softness of my daughter’s cheek. Touching is so wonderful – whether the surface is smooth, rough, soft, scaly, feathered or downy. There is so much in the world that our toddlers can discover through their sense of touch. The pages of a hard cardboard book; the roughness of their daddy’s stubble cheek; the softness of your own hair – and yes, your toddler will love to run their fingers through it and tug … Continue reading

Fall in Love… Again

Every marriage goes through changes, especially with time. The newness wears off, the romance seems to fizzle out, and sex might not even be that great any more. The companionship once shared has been exchanged for a quiet and often lonely dual existence, where two people live in the same home but pass each other like roommates instead of sharing their lives like spouses. What can you do about it? Fall in love with your spouse again. Do what you can to reignite his or her feelings towards you. Take time to remember special moments and all the little things … Continue reading

An Adoption Poem: I’m An Adoptee

During an adoptee’s life, we go through so many different feelings, so many different emotions and so many different identities. We long to have a true identity. For some it will come with time, and other’s simply never actually find themselves. When I was much younger, I wrote poetry about my adoption all the time. It was an almost daily release for me. Of course I wrote about other things too, but I was definitely obsessed with who I was. I can happily say, I’ve found myself and I love who I am. However, when this poem was written I … Continue reading

Book Review: Generation Ex

Divorce affects each person differently. In her book called Generation Ex, Jen Abbas explains the effects that divorce has on children and how we tend to carry them through to adulthood. Since the 1970’s when no fault divorce laws were adopted, over a million children per year have been affected by divorce. Currently, nearly half of all children’s families will experience divorce before that child reaches adulthood. The author’s catchy title “Generation Ex” stems from the understanding that the first generation (or largest up to that time)of children of divorce that grew up in the 70’s and 80’s are now … Continue reading

Share Thoughts & Feelings

When you talk about intimacy in marriage, a great many people automatically assume the word intimacy with sexual activity. While sexual contact is a part or a form of intimacy it is not the sole proprietor of the intimacy of marriage. In fact, the sexual expression of love and devotion is but a single facet of a marriage’s intimacy. If you look at marriage as a journey, where you are pilot and co-pilot, navigator and passenger, then you will begin to see that unless you maintain constant communication there will be problems in your flight plan. It’s important that you … Continue reading