The Chartreux Cat: Viva La France!

The Chartreaux is a naturally occurring breed of cat that dates back hundreds of years. It is thought that these cats are descended from the “Cat of Syria” described as a cat with an ashy-gray coat and copper eyes, which was brought to Europe during the time of the Crusades. It is known for sure that by the onset of the 18th century, trade dictionaries identified “Chartreux” as a type of blue cat whose pelt was prized by furriers. Natural colonies of these cats were known to exist in Paris and isolated regions in France until the dawn of the … Continue reading

The California Spangled Cat

The California Spangled cat was introduced to the public via a Neiman-Marcus catalogue! Engineered to publicize the plight of wild animals killed for their coats, this breed in all respects resembles a small leopard. The spots are usually blocked or rounded and they are often grouped into rosette patterns. The body is long, lean and muscular and the face is expressive with wide cheekbones and a strong jaw line. Rounded eyes set high on the head accentuate the animal’s “wild look”. But there is no wild stock in the California Spangled cat, which was bred utilizing existing breeds and augmented … Continue reading

Feline “Purr”sonalities

Cats are just as diverse in their temperaments and persuasions as those of us who can only rely on two legs to walk upon. Character traits may not be visible to those visiting a home as they may be inhibited by good manners, breeding etc. Once a cat calls your house its home, however, it’s another matter entirely. I have five precious felines (or do they have me)? Each has its own agenda and attitude about how the house is run, who is and should be running it, recess, sleep and feeding time. I have one cat who only eats … Continue reading