Creating Outdoor Privacy

When we think of creating outdoor privacy, we often think of fences to keep prying eyes away from us, but there are so many different options here. A private outdoor space should do more than just block out the neighbors. It should be a space in which you will long to spend time. Yes, fences will work for outdoor privacy. But, you can create a quiet and private sanctuary with materials other than fences. Think of outdoor privacy more in terms of creating rooms rather than in terms of building fences. For example, some areas for outdoor privacy could include: … Continue reading

Fences—-Tricky Propositions: Finding A Solution

In my previous blog I discussed the topic of fences and how the installation and maintenance of them could be tricky propositions, especially if you inherit one from a pervious homeowner. For instance, if a fence separates your yard from your neighbors’ whose responsibility is it to care for the fence? What if you don’t like your neighbors’ style of fencing? What do you do if your neighbor put up a fence years ago and now it’s falling apart? To find the answers you may simply have to consult with your community association. More often than not they have written … Continue reading