Money and Feng Shui

My husband and I became curious about Feng Shui recently. The custom and culture surrounding this ancient wisdom is fascinating. What I like most about Feng Shui is its focus on balance. The key to a satisfying life is to create balance in your life and environment. I believe this practice is important whether you are balancing colors in a room or balancing your budget. No one can ever be happy on a budget diet for too long, nor will their life work if they always spend to excess. Your financial life needs to have good Feng Shui or easily … Continue reading

Lucky Bamboo for a Home Business

Despite my often pragmatic approach to life and business, I am not without my superstitions. I am willing to try most things and give every philosophy and theory a bit of a spin. I do put some stock in “energy flow” and Feng Shui, so when a friend recently gave me a “lucky” bamboo plant for wealth and prosperity, I was quite happy to add it to my collection of home business “tools”… Okay, I am not saying that I am going to take my bamboo plant to the bank with me, and if I am being completely honest I … Continue reading

Do Teens’ Messes Ruin a Home’s Feng Shui?

A few years ago, I bought a book about how to “Feng Shui” your living space. Since then, I’ve picked up a few more books and articles about energy, chi, and the art of arranging one’s environment for optimal health and happiness. I have to admit, however, that with a houseful of teenagers, there is only so much work and control I can exert over my environment. What I’m wondering—is does the teenagers’ messy rooms and constant clutter ruin my home’s Feng Shui? I have read quite about how important it is to have movement in my wealth area, and … Continue reading

Rearrange Your Furniture to Save Money

I am the last person who knows anything about Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of arranging your living space to achieve harmony. My living space is usually filled with bright colored plastic things that beep and buzz, misplaced sippy cups, and little people shoes that always wind up under the couch. Pressed for storage, the under the bed space is a sea of stockpile, organized of course, but still a sea. Our furniture is arranged in such a way that allows the exersaucer to fit in the living room and the baby swing to fit in the office, where … Continue reading

The BMK Fund

In 1999, a dear friend of mine gave me a set of books that forever changed my life. They were Sarah Ban Breathnach’s Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy and Something More. Because of these books, I learned how to appreciate my life anew. And I learned of new ways in which to bring harmony to my life, like with feng shui. One of feng shui’s tenets is that respecting natural resources is essential for inviting in good chi (life energy). For instance, water represents wealth. Ignoring even the slightest drip sucks away chi as well as literally … Continue reading

Feng Shui Even More Uncluttered Thoughts

Water is an important and powerful element to consider in the application of Feng Shui. There are two types: still and moving. Still water is associated with tranquility, peace, intuition, profound understanding, natural and acquired wisdom. It literally exemplifies the old adage “still waters run deep.” Moving water is dynamic, bustling, “going places.” It is often associated with such activities as networking and communications, and is considered a symbol of a healthy cash flow. A healthy life needs both types of energies (especially the cash flow) as each fulfills its own essential functions. Moving water is associated with water fountains, … Continue reading

Feng Shui: Some More Uncluttered Thoughts

Feng Shui, once it is understood, is invisible like air, yet everywhere around us. For example, did you know that your bed has a power position? Did you also know that everyone who ever slept in your bed has left some of his or her energy there? (Not just cracker crumbs mind you, but energy. And what does this mean for all those places that claim that “George Washington slept here”?) The bedroom is the most important room in any house and is a crucial factor in the flow of energy. For good energy, there should be a clear view … Continue reading

Feng Shui: Some Uncluttered Thoughts

“Humanity models itself on earth, earth on heaven, heaven on the Way and the Way on that which is Naturally So”~ Laozi Feng Shui, like most things, must be experienced before it can be understood. What is it, you may ask? The term literally means “wind and water” and concerns itself with an energy known as chi. It is an elusive concept that reveals one’s attitude of life by displaying landscape aesthetically. Still not clear? Consider then the art or practice of positioning objects, especially graves, buildings and furniture, based on a belief in patterns of yin and yang and … Continue reading

Fountains: An Elegant Mix of Art and Function

Many people say they relax easier and sleep better when it rains, due to the soothing sound of pattering droplets of water. Do you feel the same way? If so, imagine being able to bring the calming essence of rain into your home to enjoy on a daily basis. Now you can with beautiful table and wall fountains. Not only do fountains bring tranquility through the sound of gently trickling water, they also make wonderful design elements. They can be large or small, and they are made of many different materials from bronze and ceramic to rough stone and smooth … Continue reading