Disagreements Aren’t Always Bad for Your Marriage

Disagreements aren’t always bad. In fact they can be good for your marriage. Better to have it out in the open that festering inside and the other person not knowing what is wrong. I’m sure we’ve all heard the, ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘Nothing,’ the other person replies, though obviously there is. Then eventually the other person admits what the problem is. The alternative is that they dwell on it so much that sooner or later everything little thing the other person does starts to aggravate until eventually the whole thing blows up and turns into a major argument that is not … Continue reading

How to Fight About Money

Fight, you say?! Yes, it is true… all couples fight and all fight over money. Especially during the holidays, money is usually being tapped and emotional tensions are higher. This combination can make for some serious blow ups. Being able to discuss money is critical in all relationships. If you are a young couple starting out, look for clues as to how your date responds to money situations. As brutal as it sounds, if you are really on different pages early on… this relationship is not long term material. But really, this is not a blog on dating! It is … Continue reading

Weighing In On…A Husband Who Recruits Female Friends

Last week I sent invitations to friends to become Amazon Friends and Shelfari Friends. One invite went to a writer friend I hadn’t talked to in a couple of weeks. We had the usual “How’re things?” chat, in which she mentioned she was having a less than stellar day. I asked if everything was okay and offered an ear if she needed it. Well, she took me up on it, and for the past few days we’ve had an interesting exchange. I was shocked to learn this beautiful and talented woman (who has asked I please keep her identity anonymous, … Continue reading

Have Schools Gone Too Far With Their No Tolerance Policy?

Many schools, especially high schools, have enforced a policy they call “No Tolerance.” Basically, it states that anyone involved in a fight is suspended. In many schools, a fight consists of both physical altercations as well as verbal. Often times, the police are called out to make a report. I have to say, while I understand their point of wanting to crack down on violence and threats, I am not sure I am a big fan of this policy. Let me explain. I have a student who is a high school senior. He happens to have just turned 18 as … Continue reading

What Didn’t I Say?

When it comes to arguing with our spouse, we ask ourselves what did we say? But more often than not, it’s not what we said in the argument that matters – it’s what didn’t we say? A lot of arguments come from the things we didn’t say and when we hold back, that withdrawal can lead to feelings of hostility and defensiveness on both sides of the relationship. What do I Mean? Well, let’s look at it this way: your husband comes home from work. He’s in a bad mood and he had a really bad day at the office. … Continue reading