Digital Copies – Digital Syllabus

Sometimes my students just don’t know how lucky they are. The reason for their luck came as a surprise to me because it was one of those functional things that I simply overlooked while actually planning my own course. It makes sense, from a distribution standpoint, that in a class with over four hundred people you would distribute course materials in a digital format. It’s faster, harder to lose, and wastes significantly fewer trees in the process. What’s not to like? Apparently there is a lot not to like and I’m quite certain that I’ve experienced this dilemma with some … Continue reading

Make Your Home Business Run Smoother by Doing a Little “Busy-Work”

I had an “ah-ha” moment a few months ago while I was trying to avoid organizing my tax paperwork. I literally spent an entire day doing “busy-work” so I wouldn’t have to think about crunching numbers, sorting receipts and all of the other vile things that go along with the dreaded tax season. For once, my procrastinating was actually beneficial. I completed all of the“no-brainer” tasks that I rarely have time for. A week or so later, I realized how efficient my business had become…all because I was avoiding Uncle Sam. Here are a few “busy-work” to-do’s that you may … Continue reading

The Case File

When the state has chosen you to adopt a child, one of the things you should be receiving is a case file on them. Though state or county laws vary, typically you should receive any information pertaining to the child that your state’s children’s services has. Some things that might be included in this are: • Copy of the birth certificate (often a photo copy) • Social Security card • Social services case narrative • Case summaries to the judge • Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) document • Proof of reasonable efforts to provide birth parents with services • Court … Continue reading