Setting up a Home Office for Under $150, Part Two

In part one, I told you a bit about how I bought furniture at garage sales, even got free furniture at garage sales, and then how my husband brought home a rusted piece of junk someone had the temerity to call a filing cabinet. I didn’t see the possibilities that laid beneath that rusty exterior. My husband did. He brought home a quart of free purple paint (also from work – he works in a sign shop) and started in on it. He was carefully applied the paint, and after it dried, I could hardly believe it was the same … Continue reading

Setting up a Home Office for Under $150, Part One

As you all know, I have been working from home off and on for a couple of years, and one of the first things I ran into when making that transition was trying to set-up my home office. Office furniture is prohibitively expensive in a lot of cases (can we really afford a $300 filing cabinet?) but I didn’t like the look of the junk picked up from the side of the road either. So what did we do? Well, we got lucky. We went to a field of clovers and picked all of the four leaf ones that we … Continue reading