The New April Coupons are Here!

The calender has flipped over from March to April. This brings both good and bad news. The bad news is that it is too late to use the coupons that expired at the end of March. The good news is that there are plenty of brand new April coupons for you to collect and use at the grocery store! Here are some to get you started. If you use every coupon in this batch from, you will save a total of $12.90. Smuckers has a coupon that will save you $0.75 when you purchase any Smucker’s Jam, Jelly, or … Continue reading

Quick! Use Up Your December Coupons!

December just flew right by! I guess that is a side effect of being so incredibly busy for the majority of the month. Now is the time to use up your coupons that will expire at the end of December. has a batch that are still good – but not for much longer! sends me email that keeps me up to date with their new coupons. It also reminds me to use up coupons that are about to expire at the end of the month. They have taken to adding a photo, and a cute saying, to the … Continue reading