Finding the Best White Balance

One of the beautiful things about digital cameras is the ability to see the image you’ve just captured without a time delay. Instead of shooting a whole roll of film and finding out later that your photos are over or under exposed, we have the luxury of adjusting the camera settings or trying again right on the spot. I have an older point-and-shoot camera that still takes amazing photos. One of the things I love most about my camera is how it adjusts the white balance automatically. Of course, there’s also a button for adjusting the light, but in many … Continue reading

What Else the Digital Era has Eliminated

In a previous blog I detailed the single event that made me switch from my trusty and beloved traditional film camera to my new shiny and mighty digital one. (For the record I am still holding tightly to my film camera, though I rarely shoot with it anymore.) Up until a couple of years ago I was the type of person who reluctantly embraced change. These days though I have learned that positive things can happen when you venture out of your perceived comfort zone and take advantage of new and exciting opportunities. I’m willing to bet that many photographers … Continue reading