Your Guide to Water Purifiers

In this day and age, purifying your water can be important, not only for the taste of the water, but also for your health. Many water sources contain organic contaminates, mineral deposits, such as iron and sulfur, and even arsenic. Filtering your water can improve the taste, the order and remove cloudiness. They are also able to protect against contaminates that may be in the water, such as the arsenic that is mentioned above as well as pesticides from agricultural areas. What are the option in water purifiers? Here is a guide to the different types you can have in … Continue reading

Using Filters to Focus Attention on Your Subject

I mentioned in an earlier post something about a filter. What is a filter and why would you use one? The answer is: to focus your attention on the subject. A filter is a colored piece of glass or plastic, that fits onto the lens of your camera, and changes the color cast of your photo to the color of the filter (when you use color film). But to fully understand the effect of filters, let’s use them with black and white (b/w) photography examples, since the effect is more pronounced in b/w photographs, when using color filters. Some filters … Continue reading