Are Your Credit Cards getting a Workout?

Instead of giving credit cards a workout, try putting them on a diet if you want to save money over the long term. This time of year, it’s tempting to break out the plastic. I have sworn off plastic myself, but I know many people that can’t help getting a little carried away during the holidays. It’s easy to do! There are some other things to keep in mind about credit cards too. For one thing, you can sign up to pay your bill online with many different cards. This is a great option if you happen to be running … Continue reading

Time to Pay the Bills

When the bills begin to pile up many families are forced to decide which ones take precedence over the others. Sometimes, we just can’t pay everything on time. You don’t want the power or the water to get shut off, but you don’t want to pay those exorbitant late fees that accrue on other bills either. If at all possible, try to pay those which add high late fees first. Call utility companies and see if you can get an extension or make other payment arrangements so you can pay another bill now and pay the utility company later. Many … Continue reading