Gearing up for Financial Risk

The most financial stable single parents I know tend to be pretty frugal people. I know in my own case, my frugality and care with my finances as a single parent have kept a roof over my family’s head and food on the table during some financially precarious times. Because we get so used to keeping a tight hold on the purse strings, it can be tough to let go a little and take some financial risks–make large purchases, invest money, diversify our finances, etc. It can take some of us some time to get used to the idea and … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Buying…Everything They Had ‘On Time’

This week’s lesson for Relief Society and Elders Quorum comes from the Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, and is entitled ‘Provident Living: Applying Principles of Self-Reliance and Preparedness.’ As always, we begin the lesson by drawing from President Kimball’s life experiences before we start reading his quotes. If you flip back to the biography at the front of the book, we learn on page xxii that President Kimball started out his professional life as a bank clerk. Perhaps this experience was one of the many reasons he spoke so strongly against debt in his life. As we read … Continue reading

Top Ten Tips: Don’ts of Divorce, Part II

4. Do NOT attempt to hide financial assets. With today’s technology and the utter lack of privacy perpetuated by ever expanding databases, you will get caught. The judge will not look kindly on such a strategy, and you will probably end up giving up more than the “hidden” assets are worth. 5. Do NOT be cheap. Don’t try to get the cheapest attorney instead of the best. You will end up paying more in the long run. You might be tempted to try one of those do it yourself divorce kits, but it isn’t advised unless you are well versed … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: A Little Humor On the Subject of Frugality

It’s a beautiful bright sunny Friday here in the Midwest. I hope you are having some great weather too. We’ve seen the hottest days this year this past week, and finally today its a nice reprieve. This weekend is our tax free holiday weekend here in Missouri and we plan to utilize it. We’ll be going to the mall later this evening to buy some things we waited to get until this weekend in particular. If your tax free weekend is upon you, remember my frugal advice. Only buy it if you really need it. Don’t assume that just because … Continue reading