Gearing up for Financial Risk

The most financial stable single parents I know tend to be pretty frugal people. I know in my own case, my frugality and care with my finances as a single parent have kept a roof over my family’s head and food on the table during some financially precarious times. Because we get so used to keeping a tight hold on the purse strings, it can be tough to let go a little and take some financial risks–make large purchases, invest money, diversify our finances, etc. It can take some of us some time to get used to the idea and … Continue reading

Evaluating Risks

Determining risk plays a huge role in money management. From selecting insurance, setting aside an emergency fund, to investing – you have to evaluate your personal financial risk. Usually, the more risk you take the more money you potential have, but then if your good luck runs out… risky choices can quickly ruin your finances. Ultimately you have to derive a comfortable balance. Being too risky can cost you money, but so can being too safe. The key is in finding the right balance given your unique situation. How do you do exactly that? There is no set answer that … Continue reading

Keep an Eye on Financial Risk

Yes, running a business IS about making money…and, yes, it does take some spending of money to make money…and, yes, there is an element of financial risk in just about everything we do in our home businesses—but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t keep an eye on the financial risks that do present themselves and try to keep that risk to a manageable minimum. What constitutes financial risk? Well, you will want to keep an eye on the expenses, or course, but you will also want to keep an eye out for areas where you are considering growth or expansion … Continue reading