Finding Value in Your Job

The reality is that we spend more time working in our lives than doing any other activity. In order to make it through life truly satisfied; you need to find some value in your job. This does not mean you have to make a ton of money or only do work that benefits society as a whole. What it means is you have to find a way to be true to yourself in your career choices. Before you can determine the best job, you have to take some time to get to know YOU. While this can be harder than … Continue reading

Ways to Score Big in a Job Interview

Got a job interview coming up? Want to know some simple but key things you can do to help land the job? Whether you are a recent college graduate or looking for a more secure financial future, check these tips out for better odds of success. 1. Prepare and prepare! In this economy, finding a good job takes some advanced planning. You want to stand out from the rest by feeling calm and comfortable with some knowledge of both the company and the job. 2. Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Not only is this a common interview … Continue reading

More Resume Tips

Write your resume with confidence and present it in a professional manner. If you are asked to mail it in rather than bringing it in person, make sure it is addressed neatly and includes the correct amount of postage. Also, make sure you have addressed it to the attention of the appropriate person. 1. When preparing your resume, offer the most relevant information to the job you are seeking. For example, if you are applying for an office job, put down education and experience that shows you are capable of performing office duties. You don’t need to state that you … Continue reading