Have a Victorian Evening at Home

When we look back at the Victorian era we see it as a romantic and nostalgic time. While the people who were living it might not have thought so, there is still something magical about that time period, with its emphasis on children, family and togetherness. I recently watched the videos of a show originally produced in Great Britain called The 1900s house. In it, a modern family becomes a Victorian family, living as the Victorians did in a house that was period perfect. While I might not want to go on such an adventure with my family, a Victorian … Continue reading

Frugal Fire Starters

During the week, I try to pick up lots of twigs around the yard to use as kindling for our fireplace. While we mostly use the fireplace as amusement, some day, we may want to fit it to be used as an alternative source of heat for our home. That said, starting the fire in the fireplace can sometimes be a daunting task. it helps to have a good stack of fire starters ready to go. You can buy fire starters of course, those little things that light fast and burn slowly enough to help your logs catch on fire. … Continue reading

Woman of the Woods

What happens when you take a city girl and put her into the middle of the woods? This morning, after my eldest got on the bus for school, I decided to survey the property immediately around our home. There had been a fierce wind storm yesterday afternoon, and we spent the day indoors, listening to all of the thumping as limbs and branches came down outside. As you may already know, our home sits on a wooded lot. It sort of resembles a forest to be truthful. Through the summer and fall, we have been hard at work clearing some … Continue reading

Winterizing Tips: Indoors

With winter winds beginning to blow (or coming soon), these winterizing tips may come in handy. Clear the Clothes Dryer Now is a good time to replace your clothes dryer vent or at the very least, make sure it is obstruction free. By checking or replacing your vent hose at the same time you winterize (doing such things at the same time each year), you will develop a good habit. This is one of the best ways to ensure that such things don’t get overlooked. Get the Fireplace ready for Santa If you have a fireplace, it’s a good idea … Continue reading

Steal These Outdoor Ideas!

Do you remember the friend I often mention? The one that is the queen of trash to treasure? She creates some fabulous spaces using things that she has acquired through curb shopping or freecycle. Well, I want to a party at her home last night, and I am now loaded with ideas from her backyard that I am going to shameless steal. I suggest that you you steal them too. I just hope she doesn’t come after us all later. Just kidding. The first fabulous idea that I want to mention is truly the focal point of my friend’s backyard. … Continue reading

Save on Heating: Fireplace Tips

Well, it looks like we will finally be moving into our new, larger house. One of the things I am really looking forward to is using the fireplace in the family room. The house comes with 2 acres of mostly overgrown woods, so I know there will be enough dead wood to help us have warm cozy fires for years to come. I can picture the kids happily gathering kindling and roasting marshmallows. Being frugal, I wondered how much using the fireplace would help us save on our heating costs. I was really surprised to learn that most fireplaces are … Continue reading

What To Know Before You Light That First Fire Of The Season

It’s in the 30’s today in the Upper Midwest—a lot of residents here are recovering from a moderate storm that dumped up to 14 inches of snow in some spots. With chilly temperatures and a fresh blanket of snow outside, nothing is better than coming indoors to warm up in front of a roaring fire. Sounds inviting, but without taking the proper precautions, that warm and toasty fire can come back to burn you. According to the National Fire Prevention Association, there are approximately 11,000 chimney fires in the United States every year, which cause more than $7 million in … Continue reading

Decorating Tips: Your Fireplace and Mantel

During the spring and summer months they may be two of the most overlooked items in your home. But once winter rolls around the fireplace and mantel become the center of attention. If you have a fireplace then you know–home is where the hearth is. And, with the amount of time friends and family members spend warning their hands and feet by the flames, you are almost guaranteed that they will be looking at your mantel. Long before you haul your Christmas tree indoors your fireplace and mantel can kick-start the holiday season. A mantel may be small (which makes … Continue reading

Guests and Fireplaces: A Warm Combination

There are few things more inviting on a cold night than a crackling fire. If you have a fireplace, you will want to utilize its cozy promise to all those who pass your threshold. If you don’t have one, then don’t worry about this unless you want to rush out and buy one before your guests arrive. Below are some hopefully helpful tips to setting up a “friendly fire” for all to enjoy. 1. Light the fire about one-half hour before company is expected. This way, it will only need an occasional poke to keep going. (Your guests may need … Continue reading