Firewise Landscaping: Trees

There isn’t much a homeowner can do to reduce their risk of loss caused by earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. When it comes to wildfire however, there are several ways homeowners can protect their homes from fire. Wildfires occur no matter our best efforts and keeping a wildfire away from your home starts with your landscaping. Homeowners may want to talk with their insurance agent or state agricultural college for tips and advice about fire resistant landscaping. In many cases insurance companies will inspect for defensible space and firewise risk management before issuing or renewing a homeowner insurance policy. Trees on … Continue reading

Landscaping To Reduce Wild Fire Risks For Homeowners.

It’s spring and the time of the year many of us feel the urge to get out in the yard and start cleaning things up for the upcoming summer. Spring tasks need to be done to make our yards pretty for the summer BB Q’s and hot afternoons that lay ahead. It’s also a great time to think about risk management and using landscaping maintenance and choices to lower any fire risks our home may now have. A well-designed and properly maintained area around a home or building offers a “defensible space“ This is the area of landscaping where homeowners … Continue reading

Is Your Home In The Wildland-Urban Interface?

It won’t be long before the hot, dry days of summer return along with the increased risk of wildfires. During wildfire season, homes and landscaping interact with nature and the results can often be increased or reduced risk for complete loss of your home and everything inside of it. Even with the wide difference in climates and settings there is no region safe from the devastation of wildfires. The greatest areas of risks are where homes and dwellings are built next to forest lands. These areas are often referred to as the wildland-urban interface. As we push out the boarders … Continue reading