Coupons for Brita, Mattel, PediaSure, and More!

Did you know that Target has coupons for more than just groceries? If you check their weekly ad, you can find excellent coupons for items from all over the store (including the grocery section). The current batch of coupons from Target will save you at least $1.00 from each coupon. Ensure has a coupon that will save you $1.25 when you buy any 1 Ensure multi-pack. PediaSure has a coupon that will save you $2.25 when you buy 2 PediaSure products. Market Pantry has a coupon that will save you $2.00 when you buy 2 of the 32 ounce to … Continue reading

Waiting Effectively

How good are you at waiting? I have to admit to never being good at waiting. Waiting is an area many of us find hard to cope with. Even that great man of faith and friend of God, Abraham found waiting hard. Yes, he was obedient to God in going out from his home to the land God showed him. Yes, he believed God’s promise to make of him a great nation, to bless him, and make his name great so he would be a blessing to many. Genesis 12:2-3. Years passed and nothing happened regarding descendants, so Abraham (or … Continue reading