Magnetic Fishing Game – Indoor Fun

Our spring snows are here, and I know much of the county is experiencing rainy cold weather. Here’s a great indoor game for those restless-can’t-go-outside days. Magnetic fishing is a very easy game to make. As a bonus, it can be a great learning tool, and it helps with hand eye coordination. You will need a stick or pencil for your fishing rod. Tie a short string onto one end. On the other end of the string, tie a fairly strong magnet. Now, you just need something to catch. For fish, you can either draw simple fish shapes on construction … Continue reading

Fishing Fun

This craft project will show you how to make a game that is fun anytime but also works great for birthday parties. Items Needed: Disposable foam plates (try to find different colors) Magnetic stripping Magnet Scissors Craft glue Dowel rods Yarn or string Paint Markers or paint pens Craft foam Tub with water (optional) Directions: First, paint the dowel rods if desired, so your “fishing poles” have a chance to dry. Making a different color for each child is a good idea. When dry, tie yarn or string tightly to one end. Two to three foot long pieces of string … Continue reading