Celebrity Moms’ Unique Ways to Get Fit and Inspire Kids

Supermodel Cindy Crawford doesn’t want her daughter to fall into society’s trap of being super skinny, so she employs a simple tactic to encourage 7-year-old Kaia to snack: She goes out of her way to eat ice cream and potato chips in front of her. Does anyone else see the humor in this? Grimaces aside, Crawford is serious about keeping her kids fit and encouraging them to establish healthy body images. The 42-year-old mom recently told reporters that she is determined to keep her daughter from sacrificing her health for her figure, so she goes out of her way to … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for Week Ending May 24

Love these end of the week reviews where we can see what articles we talked about this week and catch you up on articles you may have missed. We launched our Olympic series this week in an effort to let you, the readers, get to know the Olympic hopefuls and athletes before they head off to Beijing this summer. We kicked off our series with a look at the chosen cyclists and the swimmers. Focus on the Olympics This week’s Olympic series began with Focus on the Olympics: New Series which addressed the goals of our new series. Athletes we … Continue reading

10 Fit Kids Ideas for Summer

It’s started. Kids are getting out of school and the flood gates started opening in some areas this week. I’m lucky, I still have another week and half before my daughter’s school lets out for the 12 long weeks of hot summer days and boredom in the afternoon. But you can take advantage of the long, hot days to work on your fitness and your children’s fitness as well. Here are 10 great ways to take advantage of the fitness: Incorporate physical activity into the daily routine. From household chores to an after dinner walk, keep your family active every … Continue reading