Exercise Benefits the Whole Person

We talk about the benefits of doing something, we often focus on one or two things about it that creates a benefit. For example, why get a job? To pay the bills would likely be the answer most of us give. Yet when we get a job that we enjoy or are successful at, we receive more than just a weekly paycheck. We may receive benefits such as health insurance and access to a fitness program. We receive self-esteem and personal pride. We receive the capability to achieve goals and more. The same can be said for physical exercise. It’s … Continue reading

Bones – They Do A Body Good

Regular exercise isn’t about building muscle and staying in shape, it’s also about building strong bones. Our skeletal structure, though buried amidst our muscles and soft tissue, is a critical part about living healthy and healthy living. Bone density is increased with regular exercise. Dense bones are good because they help support our overall body frame and structure. As we age, our bone density lessens unless we maintain our exercise and keep our bones strong. The exercises that are designed to do this are called weight bearing. Weight bearing exercises include golf, walking, jogging, dancing, swimming and stair climbing. These … Continue reading