Use Smartphone to Lose Weight

If you’re anything like me, your smartphone has become a third arm.  Of course, I feel like I can justify this because I have a son in the military.  But the truth is that it would be attached to my side anyway. So why not make good use of it?  It already allows me access to my email, Facebook, the weather and so much more.  I might as well see if it can help me lose weight. A new study finds that a standard weight loss program can be more effective when you incorporate your smart phone.  With so many … Continue reading

Do Fitness Apps Work?

Technology is amazing. I am always surprised at the innovative ways technology changes our world. Perhaps I am alone in this but I only recently discovered that there are Fitness Apps available for your iPod or iPhone. So now I am left to wonder if fitness apps really work. My husband and I are eagerly waiting for December, when we can upgrade our phones. We have been checking out the Droids and all the features they offer. I was so happy when I recently discovered that fitness apps exist. Apparently there is an app for everything. I tend to get … Continue reading