Fitness Week in Review for Week Ending May 31

Love these end of the week reviews where we can see what articles we talked about this week and catch you up on articles you may have missed. Is May really over? Can you imagine it? Let’s take a good look at what we did this week. Focus on the Olympics Our Focus on the Olympics series continued with looks at Ian Crocker, Eric Vendt, Jessica Hardy, Kate Ziegler, Brendan Hansen, Larsen Jensen, Margaret Hoelzer, Aaron Perisol, Jason Lezak, Ryan Lochte and Chip Peterson. If you haven’t had a chance to check out these athletes, they are definitely worth reading … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for Week Ending May 17

Love these end of the week reviews where we can see what articles we talked about this week and catch you up on articles you may have missed. This week let us explore old and new ideas in fitness from getting the exercise you need on a shoe-string budget to the types of excuses we use to get out of doing the exercise in the first time. Fitness on a Shoe-String Budget is important to keep in mind when you consider the rising cost of gas, travel and fitness clubs. One of the best things about fitness is that it … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 2006 – The Index

For those of you who weren’t with us last year, we hosted the Spring Forward to Action Challenge beginning when the clocks rolled forward. At the time, it was a pretty ambitious project for myself. was finding its legs and I was just catching my own stride here in the fitness blog. I enjoyed last year’s challenge and I’m hoping to make this year’s challenge as fun! Here’s an index of our Spring Forward to Action 2006 Fitness Plan. It’s got legs and if you’re up for the challenge feel free to use this one because it has more … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review Jan 13-19

What a week – a very long week here. I’m writing these weeks in review ahead of time to give myself some down time this weekend so – if you haven’t had some down time recently and find yourself in the need of it – create the time. We all need that down time here and there and I said goodbye to two old friends this week and I am not afraid to admit – that emotionally, I’m tired. So without further ado – here is a quick cool down of our week in fitness. Saturday, January 13 Great Myths: … Continue reading

The Fitness Week in Review: November 6-10

It’s been a busy week here in the Fitness blog and we’ve been working hard to bring you as much fitness information as possible: Monday, November 6 We started the week with 10 Reasons to Be Thankful for Fitness including the fact that Daily cardiovascular exercise because it helps me cope with stress and anger, I always had an anger management problem as a child, but daily exercise seems to release a lot of that tension and keeps my anger in check. In Women’s Fitness: The Challenge of Mothers & Daughters discussed the fact that mothers have a dramatic impact … Continue reading