The Back to School Challenge

Are your kids back in school? Last week was our first week back after a very long summer (14 weeks) and I honestly don’t know who was happier about school kicking off again! But with the kids back in school, now is a great time to take inventory on where you are in your fitness program. I know a lot of people struggled with their fitness programs over the summer whether it was due to the weather (in Texas it was either blazingly hot or pouring rain), due to having the kids home or due to some other issue. Back … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action: It’s a Wrap

Good morning and welcome to Friday. Today marks the end of the fourth week of our Spring Forward to Action challenge. Wow, four weeks went by quick. I started off this fitness challenge with the idea of building up endurance. My initial goal was to overcome the lethargy and weakness brought on by a prolonged recovery period after my surgery. Stamina Makes All the Difference When it comes to choosing a fitness plan and implementing one, stamina makes all the difference. It’s hard to maintain a workout program if you flag after just ten minutes of walking. The only way … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action: Week 4, Day 2: Happy May Day!

Welcome to the first day of May here in the Fitness Blog as we count down the last week of our Spring Forward to Action Challenge. How are you doing with your workout? As I described yesterday, I’m feeling pretty great about my workout. Today is a strength-training day and I’ll make use of my free weights and my balance ball. Balance Balls Are Great For Core Workouts They allow you to focus on key muscle groups and provide you with strong support. Performing crunches, sit-ups, and 7-7-7s with the balance ball is straightforward and easy enough to do. When … Continue reading

My Favorite Fitness Myths

Fitness myths are a dime a dozen and I don’t think anyone knows where they all get started. Like the whisper game, one person says it and then another and then another and before you know it, these little gems are considered just basic facts when it comes to getting in shape and getting fit. So I’m going to give you a little list and you might call it a pop quiz – some of the following are definitely fitness myths, do you know which ones are? True or False: A. If you want to lose belly fat, then you … Continue reading

Fitness Challenge: Is Your Dog Fat?

I bet that title got your interest and it’s an honest question. Is your dog fat? Because if your dog is fat, chances are you are not getting enough exercise in your life. This is a great barometer for whether you are getting out for a daily walk with the dog or running with the dog or just letting the tail wag the dog for you. Regular Exercise Regular exercise is a vital component to your health. We’ve talked about all the different things exercise can do for you from helping you lose weight to reducing stress to improving your … Continue reading

Fitness Magazine’s You Can Do It Challenge – Month 2

Fitness Magazine has come to their second month of their You Can Do It Challenge! Have you been participating? I have. I’ve been enjoying the exercises, the articles and the information they are sharing. They’ve even got prizes and awards to help motivate you and overall, I think Fitness Magazine is one of the best fitness resources out there for men and women alike. What do I like about Month 2’s challenge? The second month’s challenge includes balance ball exercises and since the balance ball or stability ball as some people call it is one of my favorite exercise tools … Continue reading

Why Do A Challenge?

I talked about the Fitness Magazine You Can Do It Challenge earlier and I’ve hosted my own challenges here as well. But why should you participate in a challenge? Several reasons actually, the primary one being – it’s really nice to win or compete. A challenge gives you a direction to go in. It gives you goals to hit. It gives you a barometer to measure your progress against. When you compete in a challenge – whether you are competing online or with a group of people – you are giving yourself and your fitness program a purpose. Competition Breeds … Continue reading

TV Network Tells Kids: “Go Outside and Play”

In May I entered my 11-year-old cousin’s bedroom to see big black X’s on his calendar. He explained that he was counting down the days until summer vacation. When I asked him what he was most looking forward to doing during his break from school he replied: “Sleeping late, playing basketball, and watching TV.” (Though, not necessarily in that particular order.) How many kids do you know who have opted to lounge in front of a TV instead of by a pool? Well, if their channel surfing lands them on the cable network Nickelodeon they’re in for a rude awakening. … Continue reading