Spring Forward to Action Week 3, Day 4: Turning Down Free offers

There was a special going on at a local fitness club this week and they called to invite me in to enjoy the benefits of this special offer. For a few minutes of my time, I could go in and enjoy a ten-minute tour of the facility. During the tour, they would give me all the reasons why their club is the place for my business. Then, if I happened to be interested, I could sign up for a membership without any registration fee and pay a bargain basement price of $30 a month. Sounds like a great deal right? … Continue reading

Memberships: Why is it so Hard to Cancel Them?

The frustrating part about becoming a member somewhere is that when you want to leave – it’s a lot harder than it was to join. In fact, sometimes it’s nearly impossible. I’ve had memberships where you were required to fax in a letter stating you were terminating the membership and then you would have to give them thirty days in which to process this termination – if you got billed in the intervening 30 days – oh well. I’ve had memberships where even when you faxed in the paperwork, they claimed to never receive it and you can fax it … Continue reading

How to Select Your Fitness Facility

As we mentioned New Year’s Resolutions – Where Do You Rank? Getting fit and losing weight are the two highest ranked New Year’s resolutions for those polled in various different online publications and newspapers. That being the case, if you want to get fit – your next thought is going to be how to get fit. For many people that means getting a membership at a fitness facility. So let’s spend some time on this today to help you out before January 1st rolls onto our calendars. How to Select Your Fitness Facility Decide what your fitness goals are – … Continue reading

How to Get Started … Fitness Classes

With the 2007 approaching, you are likely looking into possible fitness classes and more that you might want to take to get into a healthier lifestyle. So let’s take a few minutes to discuss how to get started on a fitness class. First and foremost, you’ll need a gym membership to take advantage of the fitness classes they offer. Some fitness clubs will let you buy bulk passes to specific fitness classes, this may actually save you money if all you are interested in is taking an aerobics or yoga class two or three times a week and not interested … Continue reading

Your 2 Year Old and Your Workout

There’s a magic age that your children go through that making working out at home not only difficult, but downright impossible. My daughter went through this phase at the age of 3. Some parents struggle through it when their child is 2. What makes it difficult is what you do, your child wants to do too. If you have large weight equipment in your house or apartment, you are flirting with smashed or pinched fingers. Solutions to this Quandary? Of course there are solutions to this quandary, you want to keep your kids safe, but you want the ability to … Continue reading

Resolutions — Why? How? What? Where? When?

A resolution is defined as: 1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination. 2. A resolving to do something. 3. A course of action determined or decided on. 4. A formal statement of a decision or expression of opinion put before or adopted by an assembly such as the U.S. Congress. The tradition of making a New Year’s resolution dates back to the Babylonians. While popular common resolutions include losing weight, getting in shape, stopping smoking or perhaps spending more time with family whereas the early Babylonian’s idea of a popular resolution was to return their borrowed farm … Continue reading