How to Find a Fitness Partner

We’ve talked about fitness partners before. The simple truth is some people enjoy working out on their own (I’m one of those) and some people really need and do better when they have a fitness partner to motivate and keep them focused. Now, truth be told, I’ve only had a fitness partner twice before. The longest partner was named Leslie and she and I worked out together for about 9 months. She was fantastic. She kept me on my toes, she challenged me to push a little further each time and she could make me laugh when I felt like … Continue reading

Nine Ways to Avoid a November Exercise Funk

Tick, tick, tick, Halloween is past and November is here. Welcome Jack Frost, Old Man Winter or whatever you want to call it. In most parts of the country, the weather is cooling down and even if it’s pleasant during the day, it’s getting colder and colder at night. It’s getting dark earlier and earlier and even that early morning run is going to feel brutal when the cold air slaps your face and fills your lungs. Your motivation for working out may be dwindling as more severe weather wanders in. Trips to the gym may decline and let’s be … Continue reading

Marriage Partners Can Equal Fitness Partners

I write for the marriage blog as well as the fitness blog and the following could actually be placed in either blog. I elected for here in fitness because we talk about parents motivating their kids and working on improving their kids’ fitness all the time. It’s equally important to work on maximizing your spouse’s fitness because in turn, they can help you maximize yours. Marriage is: A contractually committed partnership, including sexual love, cohabitation, shared economy/property and mutual childrearing; socially approved and legally acknowledged emotional, sexual, and economic relationship between two or more individuals The definition of marriage that … Continue reading