Welcome to November – What are we going to do this month?

Good afternoon and welcome to our first post for November. I found myself slow and sluggish at my workout this morning, but that’s hardly surprising. The entire day has felt a bit slow and sluggish – recovering from a holiday does that to you. We enjoyed a great Halloween last evening and though we were done with trick or treating and home by 7:30 and the kiddo was in bed by 8 – I’m still wiped out. The Holiday Letdown Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas or Halloween — holidays are packed with anticipation that slowly builds until the actual day arrives … Continue reading

Fitness Thoughts & More for September

It’s hard to start a month on a Friday. It’s even harder to start that month on the Friday of a three-day weekend. The first of the month is a beginning where we can get charged and excited. Friday is the end of the week and a time to tone it down and take it easy as you roll into the weekend proper. So how do we establish our thoughts on the month ahead? Well, let’s start simply. Monday is Labor Day, banks and such will be closed as will most business offices, retail will be open though and for … Continue reading

Transformation Fitness: Get Fit Workout Plan

Looking for a great workout that will not only fit into your schedule, but get you fit on a schedule? If the answer is yes, then you are not alone. Many of us are looking for a workout that works for us and doesn’t leave us running in place, going no where fast. The following workout combines the idea of cardio and strength training in a circuit. If it sounds similar to the Curves program, then you may be familiar with the resistance and cardio training available at the Curves for Women facilities. These programs are a great way to … Continue reading

Bust Your Stress

We’re too darn busy. I’m too darn busy. In fact, I’m so darn busy I can’t see straight most days and when those days hit – it’s time to go to Plan B. If you don’t have a plan B, in the name of your own fitness – it’s time to develop one. Plan B is the plan that takes some of the stickier parts of your day out of your heel and lets you walk, run or race to whatever it is you need to do without having your ankles twisted and tied up by stress and insanity that … Continue reading

How to Decide on a Fitness Plan

There are so many fitness plans, fitness gurus and workout recommendations floating around that deciding on what regimen to follow. In fact, you can look at one workout plan and think that doesn’t sound too bad, while another sounds like a recipe for torture. You may think that you have no choice but to follow the path of torture to achieve your goals and hopefully what we talk about here will help you weigh your options. A Base Fitness Plan A base fitness plan is good for people who plan to start out solid and who have not exercised in … Continue reading

Don’t Pink Slip Your Workout

I can’t go out walking today, it’s raining. I can’t hit the treadmill today; I have a ton of work to do. I can’t get my strength training in; I need to get all these errands run. I can’t do my yoga because the kids are racing around the house. The truth of the matter is that there’s always a good reason to give our workout a pink slip and there’s an even better one to not. Your body is programmed to handle stress on the muscles. It is programmed to repair muscle damage and strains, to toughen up and … Continue reading