Confessions of a Fitness Blogger

Some days, I just don’t want to get out of bed. Some days, I just don’t know what to sit down and write when I pull up the screen. I have a confession to make, for someone who writes about fitness, enjoys fitness and works out regularly; I’ve been struggling for months to maintain my motivation, stay alert and just stay focused. It’s hard. Tell Me Something I Don’t Know Life is hard. I’ve always known this and I think hard work encourages a person to persevere beyond what they could do normally. That being said, I think that after … Continue reading

Spruce Up Your Fitness Routines

We’re having a garage sale this weekend. We’re cleaning out all the clothes that no longer fit my daughter and we’re putting out for sale everything from shoes to pants to dresses and more. We’re cleaning out cupboards in the kitchen too and selling a dish set that we never use and much more. You can do more to clean up your fitness act than just cleaning out the closets. Let’s talk about how we can give our fitness routines a spring/summer spruce and get rid of the parts of your routine that aren’t doing it for you anymore. How … Continue reading

No More Good Excuses

The alarm fulfills its function by sounding promptly at six a.m., announcing it’s time for me to get up and walk. I fulfill my function by fumbling for the snooze button and hiding back under the covers. Except, these days it’s not so easy to reason my way out of my morning exercise. I used to qualify my laziness as needing my beauty sleep, as the world seemed a much more beautiful place later in the day. But nowadays I’m more aware than ever of the empty space beside me. For the seventeen years we’ve been living together, this is … Continue reading