The Fitness Blog Week in Review for April 14-20

It’s that time of the week and we’re going to take the time to review the week’s articles. It’s been a crazy week and I have some new stories to share for next week, including the fact that I picked up a new bike this weekend! I was fortunate enough to discover one that a friend wanted to sell at a garage sale and instead of being out a hundred for a new bike; I picked it up for just $15! I love a good bargain that lets me pursue my fitness ideals. In the meanwhile, here is our week … Continue reading

Fitness Tax: Personal Health Investment Today Act

Hey, it’s tax day (don’t panic, you still have until Tuesday at midnight to file) so I thought we could spend a few minutes talking about taxes, deductions and credits. A few months back, I wrote about the fitness tax credit being offered to Canadian taxpayers and what a great idea I thought that would be if we had something similar here in the States. As it turns out, there was a bill introduced in the 109th Congress that ended up in Ways and Means and stalled there. The bill received very little media attention and it was not reviewed … Continue reading