Tips for Toning Your Tummy

Who can forget the amazing abs Mark “Marky Mark” Wahlberg flashed while baring almost all for those incredible Calvin Klein ads? Wahlberg’s ripped abdomen had thousands of wannabes trying to tone their tummies in an effort to look half as good as the singer turned actor. But, alas the majority of men (and women) who spent mornings completing countless sit ups and crunches, quickly found out that they could spend an entire day targeting their stomach muscles, but no one would ever see the results unless they ramped up their cardio workouts to melt away the fat covering those fab … Continue reading

Something is Better than Nothing

In light of the new recommendations just issued by the federal government regarding the amount of exercise Americans should be completing on a weekly basis I thought it would be interesting to note the results of a new recent study done by researchers at Louisiana State University as it might make you couch potatoes feel a bit better. Whereas the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says adults should be participating in at least 2.5 hours a week of moderate-intensity physical activity, researchers at LSU maintain that even 10 minutes of exercise a day can improve your health. Or … Continue reading

Exercise Challenges: Big City, Little Income

Trying to find an affordable gym membership in a large city like Los Angeles, New York or Chicago can be more challenging than running a marathon in less than three hours. However, you shouldn’t let your fixed income discourage you from exercising; rather with a little creativity you can get in a decent workout without going broke. Here’s how: Look for Seasonal Rates. Select gyms offer reduced rates during certain times of the year. For example, a number of larger gyms (such as Gold’s and 24 Hour Fitness) waive their start up fees for new members at the beginning of … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for September 29-October 5, 2008

Whether you’re trying to keep your children safe as they participate in fall sports or you are just trying to make the most of your limited workout time this week’s Fitness blogs offered a wide range of useful tips to help you achieve your goal. Take a look: September 29th—–9-Year-Old Triathlete Makes History. If you need motivation to fuel your workout regime the story of Winter Vinecki should do the trick. The 9-year-old recently made history by completing a triathlon in honor of her father who is battling prostate cancer. You can read all about her amazing feat in this … Continue reading

Fall Sports and Your Child

Now that school is back in session the number of sports related injuries is on the rise. Pediatricians say they are seeing a ton of ankle injuries among young athletes now that football and soccer season has gotten underway. Most include sprains and broken bones, and in most cases, doctors say the injuries could have been prevented. If your child is an avid athlete doctors recommend reviewing the following tips in an effort to avoid unwanted trips to the emergency room: BE PROACTIVE Shoes. Doctors recommend purchasing the proper shoe for the specific sport your child is participating in. Different … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for September 21-28, 2008

Did you gain the “Freshman Fifteen” during your first year at college? Was it easier shedding the pounds then than it is now? This week a famous pro basketball player revealed that he has never struggled more to lose weight than right now… and he’s playing in the big leagues. His fitness story was just one of the many topics that were covered in this week’s blog. If you missed any of them this is your chance to get caught up. September 22nd—–Avoiding Classic College Weight Gain. A well-known West Coast university is pulling out all the stops to help … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for September 8-14, 2008

If you find yourself constantly lamenting about your age and the way you feel because of it you’ve come to the right place. This week the Fitness blog took aim at getting older and how exercise can make a huge difference in the way you live life as the years go by. Did you know moderate exercise might help stave off dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? And that building muscle mass as you age can help you both physically and mentally? Finally, if you really can’t stop dwelling about getting older consider that at 37 years old Lance Armstrong is about … Continue reading

Creating a Challenging Workout Routine

Now that I am training for another marathon I am back to running 30-36 miles per week. However, I could (and should) be running more miles per day in less time. That’s my challenge for the fall and winter (the marathon is next spring). The author of the training guide that I followed for my previous marathons is quick to point out that challenging yourself is extremely motivating. He’s right. After all, anyone who exercises on a regular basis knows when a routine is too easy. The challenge comes in pushing yourself to the next level instead of being satisfied … Continue reading

Preparing for Fall Workouts

In a previous blog I encouraged you to take advantage of fall’s cooler temperatures to exercise outdoors. After all, there is nothing more invigorating than taking a bike ride or a simple stroll on a crisp autumn day. However, similar to working out in summer’s stifling heat, exercising in fall’s brisk conditions takes some planning. For example, during fall it gets darker earlier in the evening and stays darker later in the morning, so it pays to plan accordingly. If you are walking or running outdoors before the sun rises or after the sun goes down consider wearing a reflective … Continue reading

Pledging to Exercise More When you Pig Out

I do it all the time. Promise to run extra miles so I can dive into a second piece of pie. Or pledge to take the stairs instead of the elevator so I can eat an extra donut. I know I’m not alone. How many of you try to offset extra calories by extending your workout? It’s a fine method if you keep your promise… and the amount of time you are adding to your exercise routine actually compensates for the number of fat and calories consumed. But in most cases that’s not quite how the cookie crumbles. Generally, we … Continue reading