Pick the Healthiest Water

I’m a fan of flavored water. What can I say? I like drinks with flavor. Plain old water is okay once in a while, but I’m far more likely to get my eight glasses a day if they actually taste like something. But not all flavored waters are created equal. Here are some tips to help you pick the best water — and stay away from the stuff that isn’t as good for you. Watch the sweeteners. Check the label for sugars, whether natural or artificial. Sweeteners play a big role in calorie count — and how many calories do … Continue reading

How to Afford a Healthy Diet

Dieting right isn’t easy when you’re on a tight budget. Unless you are a full time gardener and have your own greenhouse, fresh fruits and vegetables cost money and shopping for them takes time. Let’s not forget the difference in prices between healthy whole grain breads and pastas and those made from refined white flour. If you’ve done any comparison shopping lately, you know that healthy doesn’t come cheap. According to the Center for Disease Control, two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. Consider also that American schools are seeing a growing trend in obese students and you’ll soon … Continue reading

Raspberry Water – A Cool and Refreshing Alternative

Do you drink the recommended 6 to 8 glasses of water a day? Do you drink a half-ounce of water per pound of body weight? Do you look at water and wrinkle your nose because water treatment has long since removed the refreshing taste of water for you? Would you rather drink a soda than a glass a water because frankly, soda tastes better despite the fact that you know it’s not as good for you as water is? Flavored water may be just the alternative you have been waiting for. I’ve found flavored water more and more often at … Continue reading