Cleaning Routine? What Routine?

As I look around, I have to stop and think about my cleaning routine. What routine? I really don’t have much of one. Usually, my housework schedule means that I clean whatever needs cleaning the most when I have the most available time. I know that’s a haphazard way to do things, but other methods have failed me. I have a big, busy family and things change from day to day. One day, we might all take our showers in a row as fast as the water heater will allow, while other days, we shower at different intervals. If I … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 10: Cardio/Flexibility

Good morning! Happy Tuesday! How are you feeling today? You’ve probably got the idea behind the routine today, so we’re going to just do a quick recap of what your workout should cover for today! Okay, so select your activity and get hopping. Remember, keep up with your accountability, and keep track of your progress in your journal or comment on it here. I’d love to hear how you are doing. Be sure you are hydrating before, during and after your workout. Make sure you limber up with a couple of light stretches. Ready? Okay, let’s begin. Choose your own … Continue reading