Is Mother Nature Really To Blame For Airline Weather Delays? (Part 2)

In my last blog I recounted my friend’s sad holiday travel tale in which she spent the bulk of her New Year’s Eve sitting on a chair at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport waiting for her twice delayed flight to finally board. The airline insisted Mother Nature was at fault, but now it appears weather was only partially to blame for the “weather related” delay. Airlines say they are telling the truth when it comes to canceling flights due to inclement weather, but travel experts say when a carrier feeds you the line that Mother Nature is at the root of your … Continue reading

Why Is My Plane Delayed—Again?!

If you have flown at all in 2007 then you don’t need me to tell you that airline passengers are facing the worst delays in at least 13 years. According to the Department of Transportation, so far this year, nearly one-fourth of flights on the 20 largest carriers were late. I told you about being delayed for hours at Chicago’s O’Hare airport with my 3-year-old a few months ago—the airline blamed Mother Nature for us having to sit on the tarmac for more than two hours. But that’s not the only excuse airlines are using. Contributing to the delays, according … Continue reading