Getting the Flu When Pregnant

Flu season is here again. If you are pregnant, there is still a chance you may get the flu. For some women, pregnancy lowers resistance to illness, including the flu. For this reason, pregnant women may be at higher risk for developing the flu when exposed to the virus. The symptoms of flu are: fever, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, cough and stuffy nose. You may not have all of these symptoms and still have the flu. If you are running a fever, it’s important to treat it right away. Your baby can get overheated when you … Continue reading

‘Tis the Season For Colds and Flu

Last night it happened: the sick but visited our house, and if my guess is correct, she won’t be leaving for a looooong time. That’s how it works in households. One person gets sick, then a sneeze meant for the hand accidentally rockets into little sister’s face. Then little sister just HAS to give mommy a big, wet kiss. Then mommy gets daddy sick and so on and so forth…you get the picture. My son started kindergarten this year, so I knew it wasn’t likely that we would go the entire season without having some strain of sickness filtering throughout … Continue reading

Welcome To Flu Season!

October is usually the start of flu season in the United States. Influenza is a mild to severe respiratory illness that can spread easily from person to person by coughing and sneezing. Symptoms include fever, body ache, headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat, and runny nose. A flu vaccination is the best way to prevent catching influenza. Vaccination also helps prevent serious complications like pneumonia. The vaccine itself is made of inactivated or killed viruses that can help your body build up an immunity to influenza. The disease and the vaccine change every year — so if you are risk, you … Continue reading

Five Ways to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season

As the cool weather sets in, that means that cold and flu season are beginning to set in as well. Many people believe this happens because people are inside more, and the germs are more easily spread from person to person. You should be prepared to handle the onset of a cold or the flu in your family actually gets it. Here are five things you can do. 1) You should go ahead and purchase tissues for your family to use. You may want to buy a box to place in your car. You may also want to put a … Continue reading

Even Ferrets Get The Flu

As the weather cools, we have to start thinking about flu season… and not just for humans. Ferrets can actually catch influenza too! Although a human can catch the flu from a ferret, ferrets are far more likely to catch the flu from their humans. So if you have flu symptoms, be careful around your ferrets! Ferrets can actually catch most strains of influenza that infect humans — including influenza A and B. If you have symptoms of the flu, you should try to limit your contact with your ferrets to keep the disease from spreading. If a ferret does … Continue reading

Preventing the Flu and Other Diseases

We have had more than our share of sickness this winter. I am currently writing this blog with my sick two year old asleep on my lap. Having sick children is never easy and is often downright miserable. So this winter season follow these tips, recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to help keep the germs at bay. Wash, wash, and wash. Teach your children to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. It is especially important to wash before meals and after using the restroom. Keep a small bottle of hand … Continue reading

Decreasing Cold and Flu Times

It’s a fact: the best way to avoid getting sick is by washing your hands throughout the day. When you do, you should scrub for at least twenty seconds. A hand sanitizer (one that doesn’t need the use of water or a towel), can come in handy as well, especially when you are in a hurry. You can put one in your car, purse, child’s backpack, etc. Most hand sanitizers will dry out your skin, so you will also want to use a hand lotion in conjunction with it, especially if you use it often or have sensitive skin. You … Continue reading