Dumbo (1941)

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s a baby elephant with really big ears! Mrs. Jumbo belongs to the circus, and she is feeling lonely. All the other elephants have had children, and she hasn’t. But one night as the train is wending its way through the dark to the site of the next show, Mr. Stork flies overhead with his delivery. It’s a heavy one, that’s for sure. He pops his head into the elephant car, and sure enough, it’s for Mrs. Jumbo! She unwraps her bundle to find a sweet little guy with big blue eyes and … Continue reading

Air Travel: Good News and Bad News

Okay, air travelers, which do want first—the good news or the bad? Let’s start with the good (perhaps, it’ll soften the blow of the bad). GOOD NEWS With stiffer carry-on rules in place, passengers are looking for ways to pass the time when flying. Enter Delta’s new entertainment system. According to news reports, the carrier is unveiling “an in-flight entertainment system that gives every passenger on long domestic flights access to on-demand movies, TV, music and games.” Delta reports that the installation of the system will be complete by March 2008. Which means the airline has less than two years … Continue reading

Travel Health: Fighting Jetlag

Having just got back to New Jersey from five days in California, I am feeling a bit jetlagged. Going out there wasn’t so bad — I made sure I got a good night’s sleep the first night and then listened to my body’s demands for sleep after that. Now that I’m home again, I’m just exhausted. Not to mention cranky, achy, and sluggish. Your pre-flight condition can help keep jetlag at bay. If you are stressed, nervous, sick, anxious, or just over-tired before your trip, you can count on the time zone change to make things worse. No matter how … Continue reading

Travel Health: Jetlag

What is jetlag, anyway? Is it for real, or just an excuse to take an extra day off after that big vacation to recover? Every person has an internal clock. This small cluster of brain cells helps control the timing of biological functions — like alertness, or sleepiness. The rhythm of your body as determined by your internal clock is known as your circadian rhythms. Read more about circadian rhythms here. When your body clock is thrown out of sync — by travel to another time zone — you may feel fatigued, disoriented, confused and fuzzy-headed, and tense. You may … Continue reading

Travel Tips For Flyers

Make no mistake—I love to travel. It’s the planning and packing that I despise. Currently, I am trying to find a reasonable price on two plane tickets to one destination and trying to book an affordable rental car and a hotel room in a different city. Confusing? Yes, I know. But, deals exist; it’s just a matter of tracking them down. By following some simple rules you can drastically improve your chances of finding a ticket in your price range. Here are some that have helped me in the past: Be Flexible. If you absolutely don’t need to be at … Continue reading

Is Your Child Afraid To Fly?

Ah, summer… a time when hundreds of thousands of families are taking to the skies en route to their favorite vacation destinations. But, summer is also a time when many children are flying for the very first time. So, how do you deal with a child who has her heart set on having breakfast with Mickey and Minnie Mouse in Florida, but refuses to board a plane to get there? Experts say that a fear of flying is quite common, especially for young children who have never experienced a plane flight. It’s important not to discount their fears. Your child … Continue reading

Airline Secrets Revealed: Affordable First-Class Fares

A few months ago I had to make an “emergency” trip to Hawaii to attend a family function. I didn’t have the luxury of booking my trip with the recommended two-week notice and therefore was left with few low-price options. After spending hours on the Internet searching for a decent price, I finally gave up and started calling individual airlines to see what they could offer me. Surprisingly, I was quoted a first-class seat on Delta for about $400 less than a coach seat on American (using the same dates and the same departure and arrival cities). Was it just … Continue reading

A New Exit Option–Could It Help Keep Airfares Down?

How many times have you had your patience tested when exiting an airplane? Perhaps, you are trying to quickly de-plane in an effort to catch a connecting flight, only to be thwarted by a fellow traveler who wants to regal you with his vacation stories while moving at a snails pace to retrieve his carry-on, get down the aisle and out the door. Sound familiar? If it does, and as a result, you have wished airlines would consider offering another exit option you could be in luck. In an effort to get passengers on and off their flights faster, several … Continue reading

Red Bull Now “Gives You Wings” In Coach

Passengers on Alaska Airlines are seeing red, but it’s not because flights are being cancelled. The company is the first airline in the world to add the Red Bull Energy Drink to its regular in-flight beverage selection. Passengers flying Alaska Airlines this Memorial Day weekend will have the option of ordering the popular energy drink on all of Alaska’s 500 daily flights. If you are flying first class the drink will be free. However, if you want to enjoy Red Bull at a cruising altitude in coach, be prepared to fork over $5 per can. The airline says, “Red Bull … Continue reading

Flying Between the Hawaiian Islands Just Got Cheaper

I was born and raised in Hawaii and wouldn’t trade the experience. However, living in paradise comes with a price: travel limitations. If you want to travel between the Hawaiian Islands you basically have two options: you can either travel by plane or if you live on the islands Molokai or Maui you can catch a ferry. This is true for both residents and visitors to the 50th state. To make matters worse, currently only two airlines offer inter-island service. That’s why the long-awaited announcement that a new airline will be offering flights between the Hawaiian Islands is exciting news … Continue reading