A Downside to Working from Home

I was recently talking to my friend, Laura, about the differences between working from home and working at a normal office desk job. She had quit her office job over a year ago so she could work from home as a transcriptionist and she has noticed a big difference in a lot of different aspects; some good, some bad. One downfall is that as a transcriptionist, Laura is paid on production (per line) which means if she isn’t working, she isn’t getting paid! She told me, “I did work hard at my old office, but the difference there is that … Continue reading

Devotions of Desire

What do you think of when you hear the word “desire”? Maybe you think of worldly desires. Maybe you think of desires you might have for the future, such as a desire to lose weight or that your children marry a godly spouse. More than likely you do not immediately associate the word with God or the Bible. However, Christians should desire things in the Lord, as well as desire to do certain things in the Lord. Christians should desire some things: Christians should desire to do the will of God. Christians should desire God. Christians should desire wisdom. Christians … Continue reading

Focusing During the Worship Service

Children (including teenagers) struggle to pay attention and focus during the worship service where Christians have gathered together to worship God and learn more about Him. It can even be difficult for some adults (I will admit I have struggled with this) to focus on the sermon, song service, prayers, the Lord’s Supper, or giving to the work of the church. How can this problem of focus be overcome? I think the key to learning to focus during the worship assembly is developing some good habits (the younger this begins, the better). Here are a few habits I think can … Continue reading