Folic Acid in Foods

Vitamins are best absorbed from their natural sources: food! One of the most important vitamins a pregnant woman needs is folic acid. The American Pregnancy Association recommends that all women of childbearing age get about 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. Folic acid is used by the body to make the extra blood your body needs during pregnancy. A deficiency can increase your baby’s chances of developing spina bifida or anencephaly, both of which are serious birth defects. So which foods have the most of this essential nutrient? Liver is on the top of the list, but that is … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Folic Acid?

Folic acid is actually part of the large family of B vitamins. Folate helps your body form DNA and RNA — the genetic building blocks for our bodies. The name folate comes from the word “foliage” because green, leafy vegetables are a great source for this vitamin! So why is folic acid important? You can’t grow without it. That makes folate especially important for pregnant women. Without enough folate while the baby is developing, you run the risk of serious brain disorders. Since 1992, doctors have suggested that women of childbearing age get four hundred micrograms of folate every day … Continue reading

What is Spina Bifida, and Who is at Risk?

What is Spina Bifida? Every year, about 3,000 infants are born with spina bifida, a neural tube defect which occurs during the first month of pregnancy. The spinal column of an unborn child begins to form early, often before a woman even realizes she is pregnant. If the spine does not fuse together properly, it leaves the delicate nerves of the spinal cord exposed or damaged. This is spina bifida. In severe cases, there may be brain involvement, causing fluid on the brain and requiring a permanent shunt for drainage. Spina bifida typically causes varying degrees of disability, from partial … Continue reading

The Importance of Folic Acid

You may have heard that folic acid is important before and during early pregnancy. Folic acid is a B vitamin that has been shown to have the ability to prevent some birth defects. These are defects of the spinal cord and brain. The best time to take folic acid is before you become pregnant and very early in pregnancy. The brain and spinal cord develop early in pregnancy and this is when defects can occur. Sometimes they begin developing even before you know you are pregnant. For this reason, it’s best to include folic acid in your diet before you … Continue reading