Mom’s Word is Law

Have you ever heard the expression that “Dad’s word is law”? If you have, you may not have realized that you were hearing Scripture. Proverbs 1:8 says, “My son, hear the instruction of thy father; and forsake not the LAW of thy mother (emphasis mine).“ The Bible here clearly states that it is the mother who “lays down the law” in her home. Now, I am not advocating that if a father makes a rule a mother may overrule him and use this verse as her authority. What I am saying is that it is a mother’s responsiblity and privilege … Continue reading

Fun Health Myths

My six year old son was doing a research project. He wanted to find out more about poisonous ladybugs. How he decided ladybugs were poisonous is beyond me. When we looked it up, it turns out that they are. The catch is you’d have to eat several hundred of them to even feel sick. While we were researching ladybugs I ran across a piece of folk lore from France: If you are ill and a ladybug lands on you, when it flies away it will take the illness with it. Where’s a ladybug when you need one? This little tidbit … Continue reading