When People Ask for Information, Be Sure to Follow Up

One of the areas that many small businesses fall down on is follow-up. When prospects or customers call or e-mail for information, we might get the packet or the info sent out to them, but then we neglect to follow up to see if we can finish or propel the deal. It will likely take some effort on our part to get them from a prospective customer, to an actual, paying customer. It can take some record-keeping and time management to make sure that we don’t lose people in the information-seeking process. Consider setting up a system to deal with … Continue reading

If You Send Press Releases–Be Sure to Follow Up

It has been a long time since I have written about sending out press releases as a way of promoting your home business. Some people do it as a matter of course, letting the local, regional or national press know when they have expanded their product line or are making other changes to their business, and others have yet to give this type of “free” publicity a try. If you do send out press releases, however, it is important to make sure that you do not just send them out and let them die–you have to follow up with phone … Continue reading

After the Vendor Event…..

The event is over. Your feet are killing you, and you just want to go home. You have plans of relaxing in the tub, playing with your kids and just forgetting about your business for a few days. Ahhhh……. Stop right there. It’s not over, it’s just beginning! Now that you have worked an event, you just increased your customer base by 1 to 100 or more customers! Are you going to let them lose your number or are you going to show them what A++ customer service is all about? I am going to liken this to you shopping … Continue reading

Thank You Notes Get Jobs

A big step that most people miss in the interview process is the thank you note. Yes, I’m sorry to say that I am going to make you write a thank you note. It is important that an interviewer know that you appreciate the time that it took for them to interview you. Let me take a moment to show you an interview from the perspective of the interviewer. My job requires that I interview, among other things, and so I have the ability to see it from an employer’s perspective. I have interviews scheduled for the class I teach, … Continue reading