Home Based Business Idea – Jams and Jellies

There is something very satisfying about enjoying a piece of toast with home made jam. Unfortunately, many of us do not have the time or the desire to make jams or jellies. If you do happen to make jam or jelly, why not make a little (or a lot) extra the next time you make a batch, and try your hand at selling them. That’s right, your hobby of making homemade jams and jellies can become a full time or part time home – based business. In many parts of the country, jams and jellies are hot sellers at farmers’ … Continue reading

Finding Time to Cook

When life gets busy, cooking at home is usually one of the first things to go. It is tough to find the time to cook, when there is work, school, kids activities, etc., isn’t it? Eating out becomes the normal thing to do. Unfortunately, eating out can be both expensive and unhealthy, especially if it is continued over time. Because of these two facts, effort must be made to do most of the cooking at home. So where do we find the time to cook? Track the Time Commitment Eating out can actually take more time than you think, unless … Continue reading

What Did Your Parents Eat?

A fun way to explore what life was like for your American ancestors over the past century or so is to learn about the foods that they ate. I like food a lot, and I often wonder about such food – related topics like what my parents ate when they were growing up. My parents were born in the late 1940’s, and today I decided to look around and see what I could learn about what might have been on the table in their homes back then. One of the first things that I learned about food in the Forties … Continue reading

Creative Leftovering

I’m a master of the sneak. I like to make sneaky menus that incorporate a little bit of last week’s menu. What’s on the table this week? Baking with leftovers. I baked a banana bread with all of the little bits of flour left in containers in my cupboard. I also put in a few halves of bananas, since my daughter only eats half of one at a time. Since she likes chocolate chip banana bread, I put crumbled up some chocolate cookies that we got for Christmas and placed them into the dough.Bread pudding is another good way to … Continue reading

St. Patrick’s Day Family Fun

St. Patrick’s Day is March 17 – how does your family celebrate? Many people just consider St. Patrick’s Day to be an excuse to get together with colleagues and get drunk on green beer! But parents can make St. Patty’s Day fun for kids and you might just create all new traditions in the process! Fun Traditions: Does your family practice the tradition of pinching anyone who doesn’t wear green? This tradition was actually started by school children and is still a popular one amongst children. Make sure to (gently) catch your kids on their way out of their rooms … Continue reading