The Garlic Press: Since When?

While no one may know for sure who actually invented the garlic press, garlic has been known and used by man since ancient times. Egyptian pharaohs were sometimes mummified with it to insure a tasty, smelly sojourn in the after life. Ancient wall drawings depict its culinary uses as well. Many ancient Greeks considered garlic an aphrodisiac although they also used it in food preparation. The garlic press is a much more convenient alternative than mincing garlic with a knife. The peel can remain on when a press is utilized, as it is ejected from the press with the garlic. … Continue reading

Measuring Cups: A Formidable Past

Whoever was the clever fellow or gal who thought up the idea of a measuring cup anyway? What happened if the user could neither read, nor subtract (much less add) and how did that affect their baking? No one may ever know the answer to the latter question, but the Babylonian civilization was the earliest on record to implement a unit for weight. (There were no diet organizations back then; only weight measures. Ah, modern civilization!) According to archaeological records, the Babylonian mina, which weighs about 23 ounces, is the earliest weight measurement known to man. Many ancient wall carvings … Continue reading

The Colander: An Important Kitchen Tool

While no one seems to know exactly where the colander originated, man has known the concept of the sieve since ancient times. The need to drain liquids is an important part of food preparation. The tool is described by Mr. Webster as a “ perforated pan, usually bowl-shaped, used for draining liquids.” Who were the first to rinse and drain? Only the pasta gods know for sure, but one thing is certain; no modern kitchen should ever be without one or two or even three of them! There is nothing that strains and rinses like a colander, and it’s probably … Continue reading

5 Cultural Myths About Starting Solids

Believe it or not, much of what we do as parents, is culturally dictated. If we lived in another part of the world, we may not use diapers or cribs. We may walk around with our babies strapped to our backs or even breastfeed not only our own children, but our neighbor’s as well. So it is also with starting solid foods. When the twins were ready to start solids, it pained me to feed them jarred food. It’s different when you’re feeding one baby (or at least it was for me) but with two, I just watched the money … Continue reading