What Should You Do if Your Company Wants You to Move Overseas?

In this global economy, more of us are working for organizations that are international in scope. As trouble has hit the American economy, some of these companies are shutting down United States facilities and moving their workforce overseas. In addition, many multi-national organizations routinely offer the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder by switching offices. Therefore, whatever your nationality might be, you could be asked to move from your home to a completely new culture. What you do in this case is entirely personal. However, there are some advantages about working in a foreign land worth mentioning. 1. In … Continue reading

How Long Should You Stay at Job?

There is often the discussion of longevity and loyalty on your job resume. You don’t want to look like a job hopper. Therefore, how long should you stay at a job you dislike or underpays you, so you maintain a quality career history? Some of the answers to this question will depend greatly on the situation. There is no true standard. In many circles, the year mark is significant, not only because it gives you enough time to truly evaluate the position but also to see the role in a full cycle. Still, if you are in a hot career … Continue reading

The Best Attitude: Can Do Always!

Maintaining a positive, “can do” attitude can only help to propel you forward and achieve your goals whatever they may be. If you are an older job seeker, this is doubly true as the path is long an arduous, and like Bette Davis once said about old age, “not for sissies.” Studies have proven that optimism is a powerful predictor of success in any job search, although it understandably requires effort to maintain. It requires as much programming as being negative does but with better results. One adjunct to being positive is the power it generates peripherally. A positive outlook … Continue reading

Top Chef Episode 4: Ladies Who Lunch

Top Chef Episode 4: Ladies Who Lunch This week’s episode of Top Chef was an exercise in testing the chefs’ flexibility and creativity as they had to prepare, both in the quick fire challenge and the elimination challenge, a version of fast food. The quick fire challenge had the chefs at a gas station convenience store where they had a few minutes to pick out ingredients for a dish to be prepared in 30 minutes. The pickings were slim for gourmet chefs, and it was funny to watch them resorting to buying Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Spam to make their … Continue reading

The Resume Objective

The objective is listed as optional in a lot of resume manuals, but I disagree. The point of your resume objective is to explain what kind of position you are seeking. Especially if you are sending your resume out to a lot of different employers, it is important that it be obvious why you have sent the resume to that particular company. What better way to do that then to write your purpose directly on the resume? Some people are a little scared of writing an objective, but it isn’t very difficult. Basically, you just want to say what kind … Continue reading

Top Chef Episode 3: Ewwwww!

The main challenge in this week’s episode of Top Chef was to prepare a monkfish lunch for 40 kids between 8 and 12. If you’ve ever seen a monkfish, you can understand the enormity of the challenge. It’s one ugly fish. The contestants divided into two teams and each smartly decided on kid-friendly dishes. One team made monkfish nuggets by cutting the fish in small pieces and breading it in cereal crumbs. The other team pureed the fish, added cream, shaped it into small hot dog shapes, battered and fried it to make “Monkeydogs.” On this team, Stephen, who has … Continue reading

The Resume Heading

You wouldn’t think that something as simple as the heading on your resume would be a big deal, but it really is important. The heading of your resume is the first thing that a potential employer sees and even though it won’t get you the job, it can cause a less than favorable impression. I have seen a lot of really bad resume headings and so I believe that this part of your resume warrants some time and consideration. Here are a few things to remember when creating your resume heading: Catch Attention Your resume heading goes at the top … Continue reading